Eva Werner

What I'm teaching:

For many years, I was a long-distance runner and I used to love marathons. Today, I use the inspiration I gained from running or swimming in my strength based Vinyasa classes, in my Yoga Sculpt classes and I love creating unusual variations of usual asanas.
I was introduced to yoga back in 2005 in a small studio in Prague, I practised Kundalini Yoga while watching DVDs and I visited Ashtanga Yoga classes. However, my real yoga practice started in 2013 in Oslo where I suffered from a chronic Achilles tendon inflammation. I ran my last marathon there and became a yoga girl. In dark and snowy Oslo, I tried Vinyasa, Hot Vinyasa, Hatha Yoga. During my stay in sunny Kuala Lumpur, I practised Ashtanga Yoga 6 times a week. Following my yoga teaching training, I have attended other yoga workshops and I have started my journey to become Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) Certified Exercise Trainer.